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Pampelmuse Newsbeitrag Titelbild

4. September 2023

Pampelmu.se – The fresh and fruity wine spritzer

Drinks with natural ingredients and flavours are currently conquering the world market. Especially in the warmer months, people long for light and refreshing cooling without having to sacrifice taste and enjoyment. This is exactly where Pampelmu.se and Pampelro.se come in.

With over 150 years of winemaking experience, Bataillard has been looking for an innovative wine experience. They are not afraid to combine their wine with high quality ingredients. In a globalised world where local talent is often overlooked, Bataillard firmly believes that art and stories can connect people. In collaboration with their community, they have created their first wine spritzer, Pampelmu.se.

This wine spritzer combines innovation and craftsmanship and shows a strong commitment to local Swiss talent.

Breaking with patterns to create unique experiences

Pampelmu.se and its sister variant Pampelro.se are refreshing wine-based drinks with grapefruit flavours. The core of Pampelmu.se is white wine, fresh Swiss water and a pinch of sugar from the grapes. Natural white and pink grapefruit flavours give it a refreshing, tangy and subtle taste. Pampelro.se contains the same basic ingredients but with the addition of red wine and yuzu flavouring.

Due to the natural flavours and the absence of additional sugar, these drinks are very low in calories (34 kcal/100 ml) and contain very little alcohol (3.9 % vol.). They are therefore ideal for sunny days and any occasion, whether straight from the bottle or as an ingredient for cocktails. A special treat for special moments.

The value and strength of communities

As was the case during the development phase, the sale of these products is also based on a strong network and the community. After the gradual introduction in selected catering establishments and due to the extremely positive feedback, as well as the continuously increasing demand, the distribution is now being expanded.

In the next few months, the drink will be available in restaurants and specialist shops throughout Switzerland. Pampelmu.se and Pampelro.se will be distributed by Bataillard and Dettling & Marmot.

The collaboration between Bataillard and Dettling & Marmot, supported by the expertise and unique network of Simon Märki, a renowned gastronome from Lucerne, will further strengthen the community and make the brand known throughout Switzerland.


Only the essence is kept: White wine, fresh Swiss water, a pinch of sugar from the grapes, natural white and pink grapefruit flavours, resulting in a refreshing, fizzy and subtle taste.


Only the essence is kept: White and red wine, fresh Swiss water, a pinch of sugar from the grapes, natural white and pink grapefruit flavours and yuzu aroma, resulting in a refreshing, fizzy and subtle taste.

Available now.

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