18. September 2023
10th Edition «The Finest Whisk(e)y Selection» brochure
We are proud to present our brand new, tenth edition of «The Finest Whisk(e)y Selection». This new edition is a real treat for lovers of fine whisk(e)ys and offers you an exclusive insight into the exquisite Dettling & Marmot whisk(e)y portfolio.
In this edition, we have renewed our promise to bring you diverse taste experiences by presenting an exquisite selection of prestigious distilleries from the world’s best whisk(e)y regions. You can be sure to come across true whisk(e)y icons.
Our whisk(e)y selection represents the best of the whisk(e)y world. In each bottle you will find the result of centuries of tradition and craftsmanship, using only the finest ingredients. Each drop has been carefully crafted and refined.
We cordially invite you to explore our 10th edition of «The Finest Whisk(e)y Selection» and be enchanted by the fascination of high-quality whisk(e)ys from different parts of the world.
Stay tuned for news and updates on our whisk(e)y selection. Subscribe to our newsletter today!
You can find the flip catalogue «The finest Whisk(e)y Selection» here.
You are welcome to order printed copies free of charge from us with article number 14775.23 (German) and 14776.23 (French).